"The events of your past are fixed. The meaning of your past is not. The influence of every experience in your life is determined by the meaning you assign to it.
Just wanna get a feel for who is scrolling through this subreddit - might be helpful for other people on this page to know where others are in their paths of life. Feel free to include other options below that I couldn't fit in with the default six options.
Last year, I volunteered with a nonprofit and designed a data dashboard for them so they can visualize their data and use filters to see how numbers change on different demographics. A couple of days ago, the nonprofit recommended me to a larger org that wants a similar dashboard and they’re willing to pay me. I meet with them on Friday to discuss the project and the pricing. Before the meeting, I wanted to have a range in mind that I can say if asked. For those that do freelance data visualization projects, how much do you charge?